You need to try our new "Daily Shot" right now. Here's why.

You need to try our new "Daily Shot" right now. Here's why.

Daily Shot

We all want better health. And we all want it quickly. So we created it: healthy ingredients in a daily drink. I'm talking about Well-Being Daily Shot that boasts probiotics, ginger, and cayenne pepper -- all for just 20 calories. It's flavour is intoxicating and it's benefits even better! Let's take a look at what they are.

1. Probiotics

A fancy word, but what does it mean? And what is it good for?

Well, let's start at the beginning: "gut health" is trending rapidly in the health world because everyday, science is learning more about how critical it is for wellbeing.

Gut health refers to the health of our entire digestive system from the oesophagus to the bowel -- all that breaks down our food into individual nutrients we use to power our bodies.

Here's something about yourself you probably didn't know: you are only 76% human.

You're made up of varieties of bacteria in your mouth, gastrointestinal tract, and on your skin. And the combination of your and this "other" bacteria results in 100-times as many genes as the human genome (a "genome" is an organism's complete set of DNA). 

And this is called the "extended genome", arriving due to the co-evolution between us and the aforementioned bacteria. It has also been identified as critical for human health. 

The "extended genome" is often referred to as gut "microbiome", a word you've likely read on products or heard many times before. And the precise makeup of your microbiome is affected by various factors like your diet, geographic location, and genetics.

And because this bacteria is in your mouth, gastrointestinal tract, etc, it means that when we're referring to your "gut", it's not just your stomach, but your whole digestive system. We're talking about your mouth, teeth, esophagus, stomach, and small and large intestines. So there's a lot that can go wrong here from a health point of view.

And when your gut health isn't strong, your risk of disease and disorder rises. It also means it's harder for you to lose weight. 

So that's where our daily shot comes in -- the exact detail we'll get to more in a moment.




The other reason we're hearing more about gut health (and why we've created a product to improve yours), is because until recently, scientists thought gut bacteria was just to aid digestion.

But they're realising there's much more to it.

Turns out -- gut bacteria breaks down poisonous compounds that would have otherwise found their way into your bloodstream. Gut bacteria also enhances our immune system and might bolster our health by creating goodies such as short-chain fatty acids; molecules that can help prevent inflammatory diseases like cardiovascular disease and diabetes. 

And normally, our bodies excrete what they don't need from food. But occasionally, some unwantedness can creep past your colon's defences. But short-chain fatty acids can also positively affect your gut-barrier function, and not allow these unwanted molecules to get into your blood.

And so we can achieve optimal health by having a healthy amount of gut bacteria, as it helps fight off the bad bacteria.

Your guts in war 

There's constantly a "Game Of Thrones"-like war going on in your gut; bad bacteria are trying to outnumber the good. Bad bacteria takes over following a poor diet, disease, or antibiotics -- you might've also heard the term "dysbiosis" -- this is an imbalance between the good and bad bacteria in your gastrointestinal tract.  

Dysbiosis is a problem because it can lead to inflammatory bowel syndrome (IBS) and disease (IBD). 

And there's another critical finding: your gut health influences your mood and brain function. 

Ok, so what does ideal gut health look like? 

Well, scientists still aren't exactly sure. But the good news is scientists DO know what will improve your gut health: and that's two words you're starting to see everywhere (including at the top of this blog):

a) Prebiotics: a digestion resistance fiber that acts as fuel for the good bacteria in your gut

b) Probiotics: have live bacteria that strengthen the quality of the good bacteria already present within your intestines, and add more good types that aren't there. 

2. Ginger

Ginger, aside from also tasting terrific, has many benefits.

Studies reveal promising preventative properties against chronic diseases, such as hypertension and congenital heart defects, as well as a contribution to the overall improvement of our immune system. 

One study tell us that increasing ginger intake by 1g per day based on a proper diet could provide these preventative benefits.

Also, there's evidence for ginger's health benefits as an antibacterial/viral agent, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory agent, and anticancer agent. Whilst the data here is mixed here, it's still a great ingredient worth consuming when you can. 

For for our final ingredient --

3. Cayenne Pepper



Further to its awesome spice and flavour, Cayenne Pepper has been shown to promote vascular and metabolic health -- the latter referring to how we generate and process energy in our body.

There's also evidence it might help with food intake and appetite, and thus keep us leaner. 

Furthermore, it's antioxidant properties have been well-discussed -- along with the ability to potentially help increase gut microbiome -- something you've learnt all about within this article!   

The benefits of all these three ingredients are why we're so excited about our new Well-Being Daily Shot. 

So give it a try, it might just do you a world of good!


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