New Year Tip #1 Set Yourself Smart Goals!

New Year Tip #1 Set Yourself Smart Goals!
Did you set yourself a New Year’s Resolution at the start of the year? Have you already broken it? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! A study from 2016 published in Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin investigated New Year's Resolutions, and found that 55% of resolutions were health related, such as exercising more, or eating healthier. Worryingly though, clinical psychologist Joseph J. Luciani has identified that by the month of February around 80% of people who set themselves a resolution at the start of the year have already broken it. In fact, research done by the University of Scranton suggests just 8% of people actually achieve their New Year’s goals.

These are some startling statistics to say the very least, but at Workout Meals we are committed to helping you beat the odds to stay on track this year. In this week’s video you will find some practical tips and strategies which you can implement to ensure that your New Year’s Resolution becomes a reality in 2019. 
Watch Tip #1 Below!
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